Saturday, 15 January 2011

Day 02- The meaning behind your Blogger name

SO LETS TALK. is my Blogger 'name' and I think this reason is because I like to talk. About many countless things. I ramble, and this seems to be the home of rambling. I suppose blogging is like an online diary, you express your views and you come out with a point, it's not like it's a typical highschool diary though is it? It's a way to express your views, and what things really mean to you. The world, the people in it, love and fashion. Whatever floats your boat really.
The thing on my mind right now? I want a job.
AND AGAIN, I haven't been on here in a while. I've been busy. Family have been down, schools been hetic with Spanish, and Math GCSE's. Photography coursework.
I think to get me back into the flow of things I will continue with this 30 thing, thing.
Y'know what? I have totally lost my bloggers touch.
It's dreadful!
I was actually going to post a link to my blog on this thing called Chictopia; but I am going to wait a while until I have got my mojo back. How about that?
Oh, and another thing. Happy New Year.