Sunday, 31 January 2010

Three Years From Now;

Three years from now;
I imagine myself, for starters three years older, my hair still short, but a better style. And a better color which matches my 'cool' skin tone. I have quite a square face, so I can't go to short, and I don't want to look like the kind of 'Bulls-eye' lass, where you can't really tell if you are a man or a woman, despite the size of your boobs.
Either short hair, or long hair, past my shoulders but not long enough to reach my hips. A side fringe is always a must as I have a big forehead, no matter what Tyra Banks says I'll never have no fringe, thank-you.
I want to be in America when I'm older, I think the whole tan is good on me, mainly because it brings out my freckles. Fair do's if I was living in America maybe the redish-brown color I was going to dye my hair yesterday would suit me, who knows.
When I'm older, I want to be thinner, and be able to walk in heels. I think I'll still have a blazer collection, the blazers will always be a must in my wardrobe. But I don't know, I'll stay core.
If I go out to America, in three years I'll still be at school, getting ready to start my final year in this coming September. Or if I'm here getting ready to start my final year at collage. In some kind of English/Journalism course. Who knows.
I want a big change.
I want it now.
So it'll effect me in my next three years.
I don't want a bad big change though, thats not good.

Friday, 29 January 2010

thursday night = shave legs night

When it gets to Winter, you find shaving your legs gets pointless to do it every day/other day, and us unlucky enough to do PE, means we have to do it on a Thursday night. I was tired, and running late for Big Bang Theory, so I cut it short, and decided to do it while in the shower in the morning. So I ruined the scheme.
It's lovely to tell some-one this. In-fact, it doesn't matter, because the only people who are reading this are, Jade and Kyle.
And to anybody else, which is most probably hovering their shoulders, hello. :)


I believe I am what you call a hypocrite, and I need people like my best friends to say it.
Yes, from the blog the other day I wrote 'every one is annoying me with the mentions of fisting your teachers, and douching your grandma's' and stuff like that. It's not nice, and when you mention it into context of teachers, and my grandmother, it's not a lovely thought. But to be quite frank, I am the one who writes 'douche' after allot of things I write, manly because, I don't think of what it actually means, as much as I love the sound of the way it's pronounced. It's quite funky to be honest.
I'm now going to twist this into something about Skins, mainly because I can, but I'm mentioning it, because I did watch it last night, it was on after How I Met Your Mother, and it was something to watch on tele while doing my English homework, and after I finished writing about poetry terms I was getting into the story line of Thomas, and this was mainly because his little sister was funny. But, when he wasn't on the screen, or Jai-jai wasn't, it annoyed me, it was still swearing, so it left me have time for my homework. But, I must say, they did have that sex scene for some-time. I managed to re-watch the beginning of Big Bang Theory, mainly because it was awesome last night:
"I hate my name it has nerd in it, Len-nerd"
ha, watch it my 25 views, watch it.

Wednesday, 27 January 2010

Sound Delay

Stupid sound delay. I need an expensive camera, so we don't have sound delay. Agree? Thankyou :)
I love dee-fizzy - douche face.


I want to start youtube blogging. I want to be a video blogger as-well, hopefully I'd get into it as much as I get into this. Thats just a little insight to my life. And I'm going to leave it at that. :)


My mom told my friends that Haggis was an animal, and just curled up into a ball once caught, a bit like a turtle.
They believed her, that was the funny part. I like my Scottish heritage, and I remember allot about my times there on holidays and stuff; since I moved here at a very young age.
We went to the Bunny Park allot, thats what we called it anyway. It wasn't really called a Bunny Park, but when you're a little kid you see things and then a name just clicks to it, so when we saw the bunnies hop all the wet green grass we gave the Battery-Park the name of: the Bunny Park. We walked there with my Gran, it was just around the corner from her, opposite the park which was next to the school, which was next to another park, next to my Gran's. We walked there and we would look at the budgie's and feel so brave walking over the bridge which had the water underneath. I remember my Gran always wore a blue jacket and my Granda always wore a little flap cap, which would sit over his white silver hair, and he would wear a green jacket and his glasses on the tip of his nose like they would fall off while holding a paper. He always held a paper.
I've seen photo's of my cousins at the Bunny Park, they where very young then- I wasn't even around -they're there with my mom. Jamie the oldest, Lisa younger, and Laurie a couple of months younger then that. They where wearing flinstone outfits, with little bats and stuff, it was the only day the grass wasn't coated with water droplets. They won the clubs fancy dress award, my mom took them that day.
I remember days down at Largs with my Gran, Granda, sister and Mum. We'd always think about stopping at Nardinies but walk past it and get fish and chips, tablet and, if we were good later, a scottish ice-cream cone with a flake.
We'd stop and eat them just out side of the sweetie shop on a green bench with a tree with no leaves next to it. After that, we'd take a walk into the bowling alley, which my auntie once got three strikes in a row on her very last shot on, and then go on the 2p game slot and the dance matt, which is always funny to look at a four year old fatty hitting the keys in a fluffy hat. Once we finished there we would look across to Melport and have a look at the Island I would one day cycle around on with my sister.
Those were the days. :)

I basically broke her video camera.

I basically broke her video camera.

Not by anything on purpose, but I thought the grey rubbery thing was a memory holder, and I failed to open it, because of the failure length of my nails. Turns out it wasn't it. And I still do have stupid nails, which I have to grow. But it now has a piece of rubbery thing hanging off. But I think she'll be okay with it, as-long as she doesn't see that crack near the screen. Yes, everything shall be good. :)

Tuesday, 26 January 2010

I want to be a little girl again, with my curly pony tail. And my fringe flicking in all directions over my forehead. My teeth were straight then. I smiled and it all fit right, now they're falling apart, just like we do when we grow up. I want to wear that itchy checkered school out fit, although I don't want to wear those hush puppy shoes with white ankle socks with a little pattern which went over the cuffs. I was cute when I was younger, but in the early years of juniors, I was quite chubby to say the least. But it's because I didn't care what I ate, I'd go to the Chinese and have more of an apatite of what my father and I have now. We went to that Chinese allot as a child, my nanny was friends with the owner you see, so we got free fortune cookies. She fed me allot, but as I said, I didn't care I was a child doing what I liked, and what I liked was not exercise.
I was cuter when I was younger, it's okay to be vain about your childhood, I was friends with Lauren Pott's and we made little wooden beds for our favorite teddies, there was a tank of fishes or frogs or something if I remember right, I could be remembering wrong, I've grown up with fish. We had two fish tanks, it started off with a fish bowl, then went to one fish tank, and then another fish tank next to it, we was always going to this shop and buying new castles for the fish to forget in 10 seconds. We didn't have to buy that much cleaning stuff, as the cat-fish did that. They were ever so polite. With there brown and black coloured skin slowly moving around like a mop, those where the good days.
Once we had different kinds of fish, like guppies and kissing fish, cat, dog, so many. But we then got a small pond, to put several koi-carp, but my dad wanted more, he loved fishes. It was a big pond, and my dad said if we ever got rid off the fish we'd get a blue lining for it and a heater and it'd be a pool. We asked my dad all the time to get rid of the fish, but it was always a sad time when we had to flush the fish down the toilet because they had a disease or dead. I went through 4 Custard's, Custard being the name of my fish, I got another yellow one each time, and every time I called it Custard.
It was horrible when we got rid of the pond, we had too.. the sides where leaking after a good time having, several years to be exact, we had to just give away all of the fish, not for an expence for nothing, give my dads pride and joy to his friends friends was horrible. But we where going on holiday the next day, it was either that or they die. It was horrible when dad told us, and we never got a pool there, it leaked it was too late.
I remember when they where builiding it, for the first pond our next door neighbour heleped with it, then for the second one, my granda helped, the same way he helped build the conservatory. He has allot of him around here now he's past, he'll always be with us though. Thats a good thing about having a faith, knowing your lost ones are never completely lost.

Immature ft. Innocents.

Nobody cares what they read anymore, what things pollute their minds. Nobody cares, what they do, what they say, who it effects. Nobody thinks to much back to their innocents to there childhood. The way I watched Peter Kay, and didn't understand any of his jokes. Or what my older cousins where saying. I never got it, it frustrated me at the time. But it's nice to know they where trying to protect me from the world of drugs and blow jobs.
Every-one is growing up way to fast, I'm not to sure if I've said this in a blog before. But it's all I have on my mind lately, how much we can be thrown into words and sayings we don't get. I've been blaming it on skins, and I will continue to blame it on that programme until people agree with me. Which they should.
Everyone turns on the TV on a thursday night, to think the awesome thing to do is take drugs while ragging a whore in the nurses room. Okay, so it seems funny and stuff, but it just gets stupid. Like riding a granny to win a race for a girl. It's stupid. Everyone seems to think, if 18-19 year olds are, then we can. News-flash, we're 14 and 15 darling. GROW DOWN.
As much as rude jokes are funny, I'm fed up of my friends joking about licking out your best friend and fisting teachers. It's not nice. I just want to have a conversation and not be rude out it. It's like when I was at my best friends, we where reading an innocent children's book, and we made it so rude. It's not right. We're so immature, it's embarrassing.

Monday, 25 January 2010

I've got really close to this person called Christie lately. I go round to her house allot and she comes round to mine, we're off skiing with school in Febuary and I'm kipping in the same room as her, so it'll be good. :)
I go running with her in the mornings, it's funny and stuff, but 6.30am getting up, is not pleasant what so ever, don't try it, you may get brain damage. It's not good, I actually went to hers the morning and woke her up it was funny. Her face when she saw me, ha! We run up this road and out of our little village, hopefully will shed a couple of pounds in time for that trip we have!
Well Christie if you ever read this, you're a great girl. You make me chuckle. :) Anyway Hagis is ready.

he wants to be her 'bf'

I don't think he realises that it annoys me. He knows I like him, but he still wants to ask out my best friend, he wants to be her boyfriend. That annoys me, allot. She's my best friend; common! I mean, it's not just that, but we're close, really close. And he likes to know if I'm okay and what not. This time I'm not okay, I like the best for everyone, just be sure that you know it'll annoy me.

Sunday, 24 January 2010


Grounding sucks; nobody would disagree. It is rubbish. I realised this when I went to America and I thought I'd be staying in on the last day of the cruise instead of partying with all my friends. (I ended up cleaning the car, inside and out while feeling ill, cheers dad.) But thats beside the point. It sucks. One of my friends, Tyla, is grounded and it's not she can't hang out with Jade and I. It really fustrates me and stuff. Not good (N)
Finding new things out about your best friends which, even though sometimes you don't agree with, it doesn't change what you think about them. In-fact it makes you have a laugh about the situation. To some it might make you uncomfortable, doesn't mean you're that close to them. If they're your best friend you'll stay by them no matter what. Thats what I'm saying beee ;)


Aaah, I look like a dork, but I'm in love with my new specs. They're lovely. :) Well kinda funky, they're Goi-Goi and red and black big NERD glasses. I love them. HA! Thats all.

He's still lovely.

I read my friends blog, and he wrote about me. How sweet. :) I really do love him to bits, he makes me laugh. Thanks Kyle love :) And as we did say geography agreement one day ehh ;) ha! Hey Kyle. I love you too bits yeah? Your cakes rock too :)

Friday, 22 January 2010

I just need to say this.

As much as she thinks that she isn't strong. She is. She's kept it well together through all the *excuse my language* shit she has had through her life. She is so strong. She has the most awful friends, and keeps it up. She is easily effected and I know it's not practical, but what is? She says it hard because everyone is skinny. And we're like well you are. She is skinny, she's getting better.
Anorexia is a symptom of the mind, it's got nothing to do with your actual looks, or your metabolism, it's in the mind. She's been through alot, not just anorexia, bulimie and it's hard. It's hard for all of us.
Who would of guessed this time last year when I was starting my Anorexia project that my sister would get it? I guess things just get like that. It just shows who's the winner at the end.
She's on top now. And for all those bitches which aren't sticking with her, you're missing out. She is a much bigger person then you'll ever be.


Just tell her okay, or atleast let me tell her. You're a guy I like, and the reason you wont like me is because "you cant get over the previous girl" or "we're just real good friends" well obviously. We're good friends. And she is my best friend, you tell me about all the girls you like, it's the same, over and over again. I'm fed up of being treated as the close friends to the people I like. Though as much as I like them, I don't want to stop being friends with them. :(
I like being best friends. And the one they trust the most, it means more than anything in the world to me. But sometimes I wish maybe someone would like me, not my bestfriend.
Even though she is great.


I was supposed to tick off the ones I have done, so allot of them I have done, btw ;) and I will tick them off, when I do my next 65. Just thought I would let you know.

And also, I am going to say.

Is it weird to have my whole life planned out in-front of me? Is it weird that I know what to do in the long term, but not really in the short term? It's weird that I want to be a fashion journalist since I can imagine me doing it. It's weird I want to get married in my late twenties. It's weird how it's all planned. And it's not going to go like that.
In-fact, it's not weird, it's annoying. I'm doing what I always do, build things up to something, when all it does is crash in my face. It's not good. I build things up for nothing. And build nothing up for something. We should be spontaneous but thats not good in one way, because I did an art project and I did something in the moment; lets make a rib cage (my project was anorexia) and I did that, in September, well the bitch of a cage isn't finish yet. It's not good. But then you need to let your hair down and not care for a while. I think about these things allot. How I can fix my life, and why it's actually not right. To be fair, it is good, I love it. I have amazing friends and family, it's coming to the stage where I go to school knowing that I will laugh and smile. I've came to the stage that I don't mind really, I need to be like that in life, and just drop my hair and let shake it a little. But I need to remember to carry a bobble because hair down isn't good in all situations.

I'm going to copy up my to do list

for the end of this year:

1. swim in a lake in england
2. swim in a lake in america
3. go jet skiing
4. swim with dolphins
5. and other water creatures
6. skinny dip
7. go swimming in my underwear
8. go mud sliding
9. take a bus to no-where
10. save for some trainers
11. go camping with only friends
12. meet someone famous
13. make new friends
14. make a video of my whole day
15. learn to play an instrument
16. sew/make/design some clothes
17. be able to walk in heels
18. puke
19. loose weight and keep it off
20. go indoor sky diving
21. own more designer clothes
22. finish a notebook
23. spend over 100 pounds in primark
24. tan
25. play the mcDonalds game in burger king
26. drink out of an all america red party cup
27. watch zack and miri make a porno
28. eat a snickers bar
29. start a blogg
30. become an addictive blogger
31. think of 100 of these
32. complete mr pigglesworth in badges
33. keep room tidy for a week
34. get gilbert back
35. be able to do something better than stand on a skateboard
36. watch all the star wars movies
37. stay awake while doing so
38. go to olive garden
39. beat up a disco ball
40. buy wileys take that song
41. get a boyfriend/holiday romance, so one who likes me.
42. get olly to fix my laptop
43. have a drastic change
44. beat high-score on brick-breaker
45. write a dictionary
46. get some nerd glasses
47. have a bbq in the rain
48. watch a comedian live
49. watch 'my name is earl'
50. use a tampon
51. have a valentine
52. go on hit and run (simpsons game)
53. save for the clothes show '10
54. get a bus to joe's house
55. get a coffee republic top
56. wear the coffee republic top to costa coffee
57. fix my ipod
58. buy and wear boxers
59. have a picnic in central park (not nyc)

the other 65 will be on another day


You just loose it. You're thinking about something, something to write. And it just goes. Nothings there. It sucks. It really does.
Hey, I'm listening to Black Eyed Peas ;) this song was in an unforgiven11 video on youtube. It was awesome :)
Hey, fact. I liked to be kissed on the cheek when you say bye to me, it makes me feel loved, even if it's nothing. :)

it's just that i like him;

I do, I like him. Not my ex, I'm over him. I realised how over him I was when I like someone on the cruise. Then, I got close with this guy, when I came back. And I like him.
He makes me laugh you know. Allot, and then he likes same things as me. And he's hot. But he doesn't like me. I know that, because he likes another girl. Urghh. He's just so sweet. I've got him on my mind. Stupid teenage girl.

Thursday, 21 January 2010

It's good, and stuff.

I like it when you get to know people. It's like you find out different things about someone who used to just sit there and smile and the little arguments you have with your best-friend. Ha. I love getting to know people, it's fun. It's like good and stuff. The time you get to know someone is what you look back at when you're friends with them. You know?

Doesn't things like this annoy you.

Imagine some one who makes you laugh, some one who is famous. Came to one of your home towns, or holiday homes, A WEEK before you go. Imagine they where in your favorite shop, giving away free stuff of there's, you know like a promotion for them. That happened to me, livelavalive ; Mitchell Davis. OMG. That annoyed me, allot. In-fact so hard it annoyed me, he is so awesome. He makes me laugh, so hard. He made me laugh when he did the 'zebra dance' and then the other things, like 'blackout' and it's so annoying. My friend has met him, well msnly I meen, print-screen with those too. :( I'm so upset right now, it's funny that I'm going to watch him now. FACT.

Saturday, 16 January 2010

so small...

I swear American toilets are the lowest - ever. They are just so low. They sit there, well being low I suppose, but it's like someone can see the rim of my butt as I put it on the seat, terrible I tell you, terrible.
My knee's come up to my face and if you're wearing heels it's worse you look stupid, like you're on stilts as your knees pass your face. It's a little bit silly.

YOU'RE A JERK - i know.

DAMN! There is a knew craze for a dance in America, and it's title is: jerking. It's awesome! Ha! I was listening to the song with my sister when we where having a girly night; making our butt's hiccup to the bass-line in the music; making cake's but not cooking them, and watching chick flicks; - We listened to this song and then got the tutorial. And just like they said in the tutorial, this is the reject jerk... the running man. Of-course I was doing the running man along with my sister when we just listened to it in the first place. And of-course the dip which they showed to mock, we where doing that to. But yes, I was learning how to do it, then parents came it. NO MORE JERKING FOR THAT NIGHT. But it's more then a priority to learn how to jerk, and John D if you're reading this my friend, you are one hell of a jerker; even though you say white people can't jerk, whatever, I'll prove you wrong. :) Ha!
Another dance which was in the craze when I was in America, was when I had a trip there at summer, it was the cupid shuffle. AND DAMN, it was catchy! All these songs though try and float with their bass-line and with doodle's in there voices to get to good ole Britain the land where NME rule's the streets. I'm not complaining. I love NME TV, but it's all the same. The music doesn't really change here, in America it can get 'same ole same ole' but I like it. I like allot of genre's of music. But the NME music is good, but there down tempo, is too down tempo. There up-tempo like MGMT, Hadouken, and Wiley. Make's me put a skip in my step. I love it.

Thursday, 14 January 2010


OH MY, it's the guy from the viva advert! The was in the Virgin Atlantic advert. I love that advert, it's an amazing advert. Btw if you look he has a small part. :)
thats all.

Wednesday, 13 January 2010

I tend not to write allot of point in my blogs. As I say to my friends when I get bored and start to ramble 'am I boring you yet?' because when I'm in my full mojo of it, I don't shut up. So I try and stop my self before it's to late. But thats it, I hold back. But in some blogs I shouldn't. But I do. How the hell am I supposed to be a journalist if I hold back?
I hate life.
HEY, thats a line which I use allot, 'I hate life' and 'this make's me want to kill my self' you know, to be factual, I don't hate life. I love it it's amazing actually.
I have great friends, they great me in such a funny way and they just oh, they're so cool. In-fact I'm going to lead onto a lovely blog about my two favorite girlies :)

hello there you vagabond ;) jade, she is my best friend. fact. we've been friends for goodness knows how long, well actually I know how long, year 6 was when we reunited. I say reunited because we stopped being friends at one point, because she broke my doll in infants. I know I would of forgiven her, but I made friends with other people that day and I just ended up drifting. Not like it's my fault, bitch broke my barbie. But anyway. We got friends in year 6, I parted from the friends I made that day, because we where in different classes. And now here we are. Going through jack loads! I know allot of Jade, I know more then allot. I know her secrets. I know facts. I know nothing, anything, I know everything.
I know that she wont be wearing something for a while to make someone wonder. I know what she uses when she's out of toilet roll. I know she corrects every other sentence I write. When she is reading this, she is correcting it. And most probably imagining I am saying 'just because I'm scottish and roman catholic' because it's the excuse I use when she corrects me, or I don't know what to say. I know she cringes a little while trying to secretly turn her head when own English teacher says 'with it' I know she laughs allot but is embarrassed and proud when she says something rude in-front of a teacher. Jade can't divide cookies, Jade can't get something 12 times a year. Jade hates big brother. Jade reads miffy and make's it rude. Jade's a pheadopshile. Jade hate's Jason Mraz's c.d. apart from one song. Jade wants to be a pretty princess. Jade is not chinese. Jade can spank a monkey. Jade never looks at baked beans cans the same since. Jade's been hit on the head by a floating hot dog. Jade likes fruit loops. I think I need to eat some, you know fiber and all ;)Jade wants to marry Isaac because he is staying puritised till marriage. Jade deep throats calipo's. Jade's favorite food is egg fried rice, turkey drummers and pizza bread. The first song Jade listened to in 2010 was Lady Gaga's - Bad Romance. Jade's Auntie say Chasing Cars to her on New Years Eve 2009 that was an overplayed song that year. Jade breaks pencils. Jade deserves no average guy, she deserves the best. Jade is my five spice. She manages to be able to get through the day. Jade's my valentine. We have songs. We have science memories. We make iron fillings stick baby.
Jade is my best friend.
Thats Jade.

T Y L A's is going to appear later because I have to do homework. >.<

Sunday, 10 January 2010

my wardrobe here is just not big enough.

it isn't it's so pathetically small, it just sits there being small. grow stupid wardrobe. :g
I want a wardrobe like in Narnia, then I would have allot of room for my clothes. I wouldn't complain so much about my tiny room if I could escape to another world. And my room is tiny, I stand by my door, (hello door) and then take two steps sitting on my chair which spins so I face plant the wall. And like my friend Erik pointed out, no it's not a really long room but really small width wise. Though that would be really cool. Like from the advert of Lipstick Jungle, or was it a dream I had. Never mind.
My one in America is bigger, it's like got sliding doors and stuff. And I have cupboards as well which store allot. My mother has a walk in wardrobe. This makes me jealous. I would love that wardrobe. I would adore that wardrobe. In-fact I would make an episode of cribs just to show it off.
I like America, allot. Though I have two beds in my room, the pointless fact of because it makes it look smaller. If I moved there I would most probably take it out of my room, and it would make my room bigger. FACT.
I don't like American adverts, or as they call it out there, commercials, they have never heard of the word adverts, as learnt from Nick; but yes. They're stupid. But the songs get stuck in your head, like 'love stinks, love stinks, yeah' worst advert ever and also 'ice cream and cake do the ice cream and cake' but the worst advert was the nutrisystem advert. There was no song, just 'Marie Osmond' saying how she lost so much weight. And then this girl dancing around where a blue top. It was annoying. Especially when they were like 'I can still eat carbs!' oh well done :) who deserves a gold star?
Not like I can talk, I am not that happy with my weight. Though in some holiday photo's I was right pleased! But yes, I'm doing okay. I want to loose weight for Italy, but who doesn't want to?
Everybody always wants to loose some pounds. Plft.
I don't like American butter, it's all yucky. And the yucky stuff looks edible, the nice stuff looks horrible. But I only have that yucky looking stuff when eating out, because they have it there. One choice only. :)
I've been so busy like talking, the flow of this has gone. So some other time yeah?

Saturday, 9 January 2010

yep thats the upside of homeschooling, listening to the radio, toilet breaks when you want and getting free orange juice

Allot of people dread school, right? We hate the majority of the lessons, mostly because of the teachers make the subject drag when you first started it and ever since the subject just followed suit. Friends make the day better, the class clown makes it better, he brings humor into the room. Much more then the zombies which lets say a geography teacher, called Mrs Bullman, made the first day you went into that room.
I actually like school.
Especially compared to the dragging days of work set for you off the teachers from your school. Science, science, science, science, SO MUCH BLOODY SCIENCE. It's driving me insane. I get home schooled during the year, not the whole of it, thank goodness, I don't know how I'd cope. But home schooling' hard for people who go out to America an think that there parents will actually let them off once it gets to it, especially because they don't, they don't let you off, they make you do it, fill in a journal. Whatever. out of the subject, but I'm cold, had to tell someone. I was actually hoping when I was out there to get a tan while reading my English work, or doing maths papers. But no, last time I was out there weather was garbage. It was STUNKY. It would rain, it would be cold. Not that good for the sunshine state, not good at all. I guess they hope that it will stop raining for the super bowl but whatever, it's not as bad as England.
The funniest time I had was listening to the radio, yep thats the upside of homeschooling, listening to the radio, toilet breaks when you want and getting free orange juice; and a Lady Gaga song came on '95.3 Orlando's New Number One For Hip Hop' and she was dancing and prancing about. You can't describe such a talent, or such a flops. To be fair she can dance, she dances like so good. But yeah. Homeschooling sucks.
I've not had long of it, and even though I think I'm learning allot doesn't excuse that I would sarcrafice an extra year of my life to have school with people I like an know. Even if it gets sometimes to become friends with them. Things all change after time. Everything changes after time.
I'm falling asleep because of jet lag. Night ;)

are you a cat person?

my lists ;)

So there is two, you know lists'
There are two lists which I have, one is the to do list for 2010 and one is the to do list for my life. I have allot more in my 2010 list then I have in my life one. It's rather hard to think of the things which you think would do, maybe pointless but worth for your life, and the 2010 is easy, things which I've never done, never thought about there is a time to do.
HEY, thought of another for my to do fl (fl = for life) and I got it from Carson (check out the first blog of oh ten to find out about him) he told me, because I asked him what I should do for the 2010 one because I didn't know what to write he gave me some options this being one of them, go explore the world of sushi (which I also used as an insult last week). I meen, I'm not one for raw fish, but try it out, the Japanese love it, sure as hell I'm not a Japan woman, but lets try there culture ;) and I'm going to do it while in Japan [hey never guess what but thats on my list to, visit Japan, and Asia].
I'm going to visit allot of places, I am taking route 66 round America, and I am going to visit all the states', I hope to have a LV trunk and a designer suit. But some are not to do's some are wish lists.
Check out 50 of my life to do's and my to do's list for 2010, when I put them on which will be pretty damn soon.
But just so you know, I didn't think to do this when the buried life came onto mtv, I thought of it, did it, saw a book called the to do list, and found out mtv had a thing on there too. I'm fustrated for some reason, but wont stop me from watching it, I'll be glued on January 18th ;)

It's 2010

lets for starters ask how your going to say it:
twenty - ten
two thousand and ten
oh ten?
I've invested in 2010 :)
and yes, this is my very first entry for the new year, because I've been away with my dad in America, he works there you know, and then over the new year, cruising and stuff. Met some sick ass people, lets introduce you to them shall we (just imagine as I describe them):
LIZ, the fifteen year old from NC she has blonde hair, and gets stalked by crazy men at the pool, give a high five for Liz.
NICK, is the younger brother of Liz who is, thirteen, but looks alot older, Nick likes to spend his nights on the cruise taking the michael out on me because of my accent.
CARSON, the leader, the canadian leader, which likes to put gravy and cheese with his fries(chips) and likes to write letters and play the guitar.
LAURA, the insane ice cream lover who is stunning, and has to wear flip flops to fit in, also loves pizza and was on board with her cousin...
RAFAEL, the peru(ish) guy who is in miami for a while, and got the name of 'raphy' his camera was the memories and establishment of our time there.
JOHN, the guy who through up and loves basketball, his favorite rappers are DRAKE and Lil Wayne, he throws up and doesn't have facebook or myspace.
thats a little bit of an insight to the life aboard the boat ;)
though, lets tell somethings about it...
I got asked to dance for the first time ever, not like by a group of girls, but by one person, sure some people ended up joining but whatever :) I felt loved, but not saying any names or whatever. Because even though there is probberbly a chance in giziallion they'll read this, urgh. Whatever, no I'm just going to leave things at that.
New Years Resolutions,
mines to finish of my to do list, which I have to do by the end of oh ten ( ;) ) and I started at the end of 2009, but yes, it's going to be good. I have some good ones and what not, but I am going to save an intire blog, I like to bore my readers >:] , to the to do list, so if you really like. CHECK IT OUT ;)