Friday, 29 January 2010


I believe I am what you call a hypocrite, and I need people like my best friends to say it.
Yes, from the blog the other day I wrote 'every one is annoying me with the mentions of fisting your teachers, and douching your grandma's' and stuff like that. It's not nice, and when you mention it into context of teachers, and my grandmother, it's not a lovely thought. But to be quite frank, I am the one who writes 'douche' after allot of things I write, manly because, I don't think of what it actually means, as much as I love the sound of the way it's pronounced. It's quite funky to be honest.
I'm now going to twist this into something about Skins, mainly because I can, but I'm mentioning it, because I did watch it last night, it was on after How I Met Your Mother, and it was something to watch on tele while doing my English homework, and after I finished writing about poetry terms I was getting into the story line of Thomas, and this was mainly because his little sister was funny. But, when he wasn't on the screen, or Jai-jai wasn't, it annoyed me, it was still swearing, so it left me have time for my homework. But, I must say, they did have that sex scene for some-time. I managed to re-watch the beginning of Big Bang Theory, mainly because it was awesome last night:
"I hate my name it has nerd in it, Len-nerd"
ha, watch it my 25 views, watch it.

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