Wednesday, 27 January 2010


My mom told my friends that Haggis was an animal, and just curled up into a ball once caught, a bit like a turtle.
They believed her, that was the funny part. I like my Scottish heritage, and I remember allot about my times there on holidays and stuff; since I moved here at a very young age.
We went to the Bunny Park allot, thats what we called it anyway. It wasn't really called a Bunny Park, but when you're a little kid you see things and then a name just clicks to it, so when we saw the bunnies hop all the wet green grass we gave the Battery-Park the name of: the Bunny Park. We walked there with my Gran, it was just around the corner from her, opposite the park which was next to the school, which was next to another park, next to my Gran's. We walked there and we would look at the budgie's and feel so brave walking over the bridge which had the water underneath. I remember my Gran always wore a blue jacket and my Granda always wore a little flap cap, which would sit over his white silver hair, and he would wear a green jacket and his glasses on the tip of his nose like they would fall off while holding a paper. He always held a paper.
I've seen photo's of my cousins at the Bunny Park, they where very young then- I wasn't even around -they're there with my mom. Jamie the oldest, Lisa younger, and Laurie a couple of months younger then that. They where wearing flinstone outfits, with little bats and stuff, it was the only day the grass wasn't coated with water droplets. They won the clubs fancy dress award, my mom took them that day.
I remember days down at Largs with my Gran, Granda, sister and Mum. We'd always think about stopping at Nardinies but walk past it and get fish and chips, tablet and, if we were good later, a scottish ice-cream cone with a flake.
We'd stop and eat them just out side of the sweetie shop on a green bench with a tree with no leaves next to it. After that, we'd take a walk into the bowling alley, which my auntie once got three strikes in a row on her very last shot on, and then go on the 2p game slot and the dance matt, which is always funny to look at a four year old fatty hitting the keys in a fluffy hat. Once we finished there we would look across to Melport and have a look at the Island I would one day cycle around on with my sister.
Those were the days. :)

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