Tuesday, 24 August 2010

16th August.
I would like to see my art displayed. I would like to see people looking at my photographs and feeling inspired. I'd like to know how to get there, Winterton isn't really a place where you start is it?
The most fame we've had from down our end was when Never Sed did a support act for Status Quo, I haven't heard anything of them since 2007, it's now 2010. Another thing which makes us famous, apparently, is the awards our school has got by Peermentors. When I hear some-one from another part of even Linconshire saying they know where our school is (minus links by realatives) I'll believe you.
Winterton, describe? It's this place just outside Scunthorpe, Scunthorpe's claim to fame. Tiny Temper - Pass Out
'I've been to South Hampton but I've never been to Scunthorpe'
You don't really want to come here dear Temps, we have two college's a Topshop and only just getting a Primark. Says a lot really. The nearest designer stores we have to us is most probberbly a 6 hour drive, we're in the middle of no-where.
My bestfriend owns six chickens and then sereval of my friends own pigs and horses. We live on a huge farm-estate.
If you're from down my end you're most likely going to live at park untill you're 19, after hanging out there for about five years. Every day there you'll get bored, trust me. I'm a parker.
I'm saying all this negativeness about my village, but really you can make your friends for life here, you'll have more freedom then a city if you're growing up because you know every-one. You will know some-one who works at the chippy and they'll give you extra chips for the same price as a small. So it's ok, but it's hardly the 'Concrete Jungle Where Dreams Are Made Of, There's Nothing You Can't Do' .... theres nothing you can't do, because there is nothing to do. Simple really.

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