Tuesday, 24 August 2010

Before, when I was on the plane: May 1st

It's weird to think I'm over a thousand feet in the air, and going faster then a some extreme roller coaster rides but yet I still complain about the odd turbulance. I've been on the plan, what two hours (maybe) now, and I have resort to getting my laptop out to have a good old blogging sesh. You could be wondering, internet in the sky you lucky so and so. No, word document, saved uploaded on a further date, cz' I'm cool like that. I don't know what I could say to entertain you guys mind, I am finding it hard to entertain myself, it's the May 1st, (uno de mayo) in America yet 2nd in England. And we still don't think time change is possible. Actually we've been having it for ages since we had planes.
Who would of thought when we first got planes we would of been going and flying abroad for holidays, those in WW2 didn't (I know this cz' I watched fly boys) and I am beasty like that.
Well, this blog is short. I will do another one once I've sorted out my music playlist. ;D

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