Tuesday, 24 August 2010

May 1st again.
THATS MORE LIKE IT. I say thats more like it because now I have abitt of music on it can brighten any one's day espically because I am charging my iPod. I hope while doing this "I am not erasing all my data and music and stuff. That would make me really upset and stuff. I think I would start swearing, and cursing that the little old people behind me would be applaud and then cry. Along with me.
I am very dramatic when it comes to my iPod I hardly put it down, I listen to music, socialise and treat it with tender love and care. The only thing which I don't do with my iPod which I could do is take photo's, but that would be an iPhone not an iTouch, would it not? I am thinking it would.
To get onto the topic which I normally start with, which would be the person who has made my day. But even before I do that, update is needed. Andy has been some-what jerkish and has not talked much, found it awesome how much he is into gaming and trying to sort out his life which meens, "kirsty I am not into you, but I am trying to be nice and let you down easy" that makes you even worse -,- and Olly, always makes me laugh as we all know, he has been the starterof this thing serval times, he makes me laugh because his helmet suits my face (like crocs suit my feet - Jade you'd get this) but yes, he's made my day (to finally to get onto topic) because he has been so sweet lately, loading me with compliments getting all the cd's I wanted and just like showering me in love. I think he is sweet, I don't think anything will happen, but hey! if it is supposed to it will. (:
I am going home right now, but lets take you through the day...

gooooooodmorning sunshine, - thats the sun coming through the blinds and if I wasn't happy to be seeing my friends (and curtains) in the first time in 6 weeks then I would not be saying good morning, it would be something along the lines of ARRRGH STUPID LIGHT GO AWAY.
I woke up, then realised what a day I had ahead of me, lots of packing to do, and a last minute tan to get, and there was one thing I was going to look forward to more then the other, the tan. I'd say I quickly did my case, but that would be a lie, it took me hours on end. Jumps and rugby wrestles to get my case filled with skateboards, roller skates, shoes and some clothes to close. I did it ofcourse, with it being 23kilo's, (this was the second lightest case we had out of the 5 we had for 4 people).
The house was on air-con at 24degrees compared to the outside humidity which was at 37degrees, the hottest day we had while being there since we had been treating it as our home for 6 weeks. I lay outside for about an hour, two hours, chatting to people like Olly, which is always a pleasure, and James, who had bad news (with out sounding morbid by cutting a story short, we found out James had lukimeia a year ago last Feburary, and he had been good since last summer, back at school and just being Jamesy, now he has found out that he has it back, which was upsetting, I love James to bits, like a brother and stuff, I am not going to worry because he is going to come through it, I had no fear about it- oh and my other friend got hit by a car, he's okaa minus the fact he has a broken foot and could need plastic surgery, but that will probberbly come up in another blog). After talking to them for a while and slowly being pushed into the shade by the house which was acting as a shady wall, I moved to a different place to be told by my sister how much sun burn I have. SCORE! What else could you ask for on the last day of your holiday?! SERIOUSLY? I go back to school on Tuesday, that gives my legs and odd patches on my stomach (my arm lay across one part of it, so I'm now like a ZEEEEbra), time to turn into laaavely tan which I can show off infront of to my people (mac daddy or what? ;D). It's worked out pretty well to be quite frank. It's all good.

song - don't look back in anger - it's on my ipod BIATCH.

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